I've gone ahead and added you to the “no contact” list for this topic, and you shouldn't hear about it from me again.
I've gone ahead and added you to the “no contact” list for this topic, and you shouldn't hear about this topic again.
But this is serious business Warrior – and I really hope you have all your ducks in a row in being “Warrior Ready” when you're forced to take fast, decisive action in any crisis!
so I want to make double-sure (just in case)…
So, if you clicked the “kill-switch” link in your email by mistake… OR, if you've changed your mind and still want to hear more, you can go ahead and click here to be added back onto the notification list for this topic, ok?
I've gone ahead and added you to the “no contact” list regarding the training we did about protecting your online privacy and you shouldn't hear about this topic again.
But this is serious business Warrior… and I hope you have all your ducks in a row in protecting yourself and your family from the “dark forces” of the internet and our cell phones… because things are only getting worse!
If you want to hear more, you can go ahead and click here to be added back onto the notification list for this topic, ok?