LIVE NOW in the Product Vault: Battle-Ready Body!

This has historically been one of our most popular training programs, and this week, we'll be releasing Battle-Ready Body to the Product Vault (meaning all of you with All-Access memberships will be able to watch it at no cost).

I know I've gotten pretty fat over the pandemic, so I'm looking forward to this myself. What health and fitness challenges do you face? I'm getting older and noticing some serious flexibility problems in my joints. I'm hoping to find ways to combat that.


4 Replies

The Campfire

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  • #84225


    This has historically been one of our most popular training programs, and this week, we’ll be releasing Battle-Ready Body to the Product Vault (meaning all of you with All-Access memberships will be able to watch it at no cost).

    I know I’ve gotten pretty fat over the pandemic, so I’m looking forward to this myself. What health and fitness challenges do you face? I’m getting older and noticing some serious flexibility problems in my joints. I’m hoping to find ways to combat that.

  • Member

    4 Replies

    The Campfire


    The course should be up and live tomorrow — are you guys excited?

    Some of you may not know that Jeff used to do quite a bit of stuff in fitness (there are some avatar photos of him from back in the day where his arms are HUGE). He’s still one of the fittest people I know; he’s always running and doing other things that, honestly, make me feel tired just listening (which is why he looks like he does and why I look like I do, I guess).

  • TJ

    4 Replies

    The Campfire


    I had a total body reset back in November with a widow maker heart attack. Took 25 minutes of CPR to bring me back to life. They put a stent in the blocked artery and aside from that one blockage and resulting dead heart muscle the rest of the heart is fortunately in great shape. But I had a lot of complications from the long CPR that led to blood clots in my legs, gallbladder attack, gout, a pulmonary embolism, etc. 17 days total in the hospital loosing 26 pounds stuck in the horrible bed and not being able to eat for a couple of multi day periods. Much of the weight loss was muscle unfortunately. Had another few weeks at home barely being able to get out of bed and to the bathroom using a walker. A preview of life in my nineties which I hope to not experience again for another 4 decades!

    I wasn’t in my best shape before the heart attack but was physically more capable than your typical American since I had to do a lot of off trail hiking for work keeping up with people half my age. It’s been a long few months starting from scratch with legs and arms that looked like twigs. Been able to do a few 5 to 6 mile hikes this past month without much effort but still have a long way to go just to get back to where I was. So I’m interested in checking this program out and maybe mixing it in with the Krav Maga training I recently started as part of my continuing rehab.

  • Member

    4 Replies

    The Campfire


    Now that the course is up, have any of you taken a look?

    • TJ

      4 Replies

      The Campfire


      There is a lot of information there to go through. I’m looking forward to incorporating it into my rebuild!


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