There's no shortage of guru advice on picking the best firearm for personal defense. But what's the WORST advice you've ever heard about how to pick the right HOME DEFENSE weapon?
There’s no shortage of guru advice on picking the best firearm for personal defense. But what’s the WORST advice you’ve ever heard about how to pick the right HOME DEFENSE weapon?
Keeping a few flash bangs under your bed was ACTUALLY suggested to me once. Not available on Amazon (I did not even bother to check.) I do not think ATF would be happy.
Wow! Now THAT’S a living room battle I can’t wait to see on the nanny-cam footage! 🙂
“I said, `Jill, if there’s ever a problem, just walk out on the balcony … take that double-barrel shotgun and fire two blasts outside the house,”‘
“You don’t need an AR-15. It’s harder to aim, it’s harder to use and in fact, you don’t need 30 rounds to protect yourself.”
I won’t mention who gave this advice since I don’t want to get into politics and I have seen politicians of all political stripes give horrible self defense advice. But the above quote is certainly way up there on the bad advice scale. Along with being wrong on so many levels – especially choosing a firearm with extremely limited capacity and then letting the criminals know you have emptied it and are now defenseless – the advised actions break several laws and put innocent neighbors at risk.
hahahahaha… gotta love it! (Or not?! 🙂
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