If you could only carry one (1) pound (net weight) of food in your XBOB, what would it be and why would you choose it?
Tagged: 72-Hour Bag, Bugout Bag, Food, Prepping, survival, XBOB
If you could only carry one (1) pound (net weight) of food in your XBOB, what would it be and why would you choose it?
I keep a few pounds of beans and rice in my work vehicle because it doesn’t take up much space, has a good amount of calories and is great for mixing in with other fresh items when camping. I also usually have a week’s worth of various other food items in there as well.
But in my get home bag I just keep some emergency food bars. They last a long time and don’t taste so great so I won’t eat them in a non emergency situation if I get the munchies. I will most likely be using that bag to hoof it home as quickly as possible in an emergency and don’t want to have to spend extra time cooking.
Not that I don’t like beans, but question was posed with one-pound net-weight limit (I figured somebody out there had calibrated a Peak Refuel freeze dried smorgasbord to get exactly that limit worked out, and I wanted their recipe worksheet)! I got out of the box and hit on my own answer being a one-pound jar of honey! (Could alternatively be packaged in plastic drinking straws – heat sealed ends using a household iron). No refrigeration or cooking required. High energy output for minimal intake. Non-thirst inducing. Multi-purpose as it could be used to treat cuts and help prevent infections. Soothes coughs and colds. Could be used to bait insects for increased food production capabilities. No practical limits on shelf-life.
Whether you agree with all the elements I’ve mentioned, I believe the addition of honey to your 72-hour food supplies merits strong consideration.
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