6 O'Clock Tactical




(Or Until Supplies Run Out)

See Details Below Now...

Countdown Expired!

Limited-Time "Prove It To Me!" FREE TRIAL Offer!

Special Limited-Time "Mach-itty" Clearance Offer

Our Blade-Masters Screwed Up!

Save 75% On The World's Most Brutal Survival Machete...

It's UGLY As Hell - But So Damn TOUGH...

...It Can Carve A Volkswagon In HALF!

Special Limited-Time "Tactical Pack" Free Bonus Offer

Other Machetes Split Wood.

The Guardian G4 Machete Splits STEEL!

Dare To Make The Switch?

Special Promotion Offer Until Sold Out - Or Timer Expires...

Hi, I’m Jeff Anderson…

For over 20 years, my company, Warrior Life, has been arming everyday survivors like you with the training and tools you need to protect yourself and those you love from any threat – all based on real-world experience and testing.

As a 10-year combat veteran and former member of the elite 10th Mountain Division, I’ve trained in some of the harshest environments on the plane – and here's what I can tell you:

Jeff Anderson

From Combat And Training Operations In Jungle Swamps... To Rocky Mountains & Deserts... To Chaos-Stricken Urban Areas ...

... My #1 "Backup Tool" I Wouldn't Be Caught Dead Without... Was My Machete!

I know that sounds hard to believe, but you’re about to discover WHY in just a few seconds.

And even though a machete is the most trusted “tactical back-up” carried by soldiers in harm’s way, this ISN’T just for members of the armed forces.

I mean, you’d have to be living under a rock or never watch the news to not notice that we face more and more threats right here at home – with natural disasters happening more frequently and a crumbling society just waiting for a “trigger event” like a grid-down blackout, economic collapse, nuclear disaster, or a breakdown in civil order to push us over the edge.

We all know the day is coming, right?

And when it does, the only thing that separates the victims from the survivors is the knowledge, skills, and gear you have on hand to face whatever threat is thrown your way.

And that’s why I’m so excited to introduce you to…

The 6OC "Guardian" Machete:

The Ultimate Survival Tool You Need To Face Any Disaster Or Crisis With Bulletproof Confidence!

Look… you never know what scenario you may face when you’re forced to survive on your own, to provide for and protect those you love.

That’s why the Guardian’s cutting-edge engineering is custom-designed to face ALL phases of any disaster or crisis…

As a field tool, the Guardian’s forward-weight design chops wood faster and easier than any other machete or hatchet – even my military-issue machete – making light work of cutting down trees for shelter and chopping wood for fire-building – saving you valuable time and strength for other tasks.

As a breaching tool, the Guardian’s heat-treated 1095 carbon steel is strong enough to bust straight through a cement wall… with virtually NO DAMAGE to the edge!
In fact, we even challenged the Guardian against a reinforced steel truck hood where it stabbed straight through the metal without a single bend in its spear-point tip…

And just watch as this blade slices that same reinforced steel hood – sometimes over a foot at a time – until the Guardian Machete cuts the entire truck hood clean in half, showing it’s no match for the sheer awesome power this machete possesses.

And yet even after slicing straight through the truck’s hood, the blade STILL retains an edge so sharp, the Guardian severs a dozen beer cans in one swipe like a hot knife through butter, so you never have to worry about whether your machete’s blade will be there when you need it the most to handle any challenge.

Every Feature Of The Guardian Machete Has Been Carefully Crafted From Point To Razor-Sharp Point With YOUR Survival Needs In Mind:

The Guardian's composite grip fits comfortably in your hand for white-knuckle retention that won’t let you down, plus enhanced palm and thumb texturing to give you ultimate control.

And the Guardian’s grip ends with an extended “glass-breaker” lanyard tip for close-quarters fighting and smashing through windows during an accident or emergency.

But the blade itself is where you’re REALLY going to be impressed…

The Guardian is crafted from one solid piece of heat-treated 1095 carbon spring steel – the strongest, most durable metal you’ll find for extreme field deployment – with an 18” “bolo-blade” spear-point design – forward-weighted to drastically increase power in every one of your strikes.

You’ve already seen how the Guardian’s blade quickly hacks through wood, cement, and even steel – yet it’s also so perfectly balanced it even throws with extreme accuracy!

Hell, the bolo blade design even lets you dig a trench with it if you need to!

These are tasks I wouldn’t even wish on my military issue machete that I carried for years through the world’s toughest hot-zones!

Proven In Every Environment:
Wilderness - Urban - Jungle - Mountain - Desert!

The Guardian is the ultimate all-in-one survival tool to back you up in a crisis!

And while there’s no other blade out there that can compare to the Guardian’s superior engineering, a good quality custom machete will run you anywhere from $500 to over $1,000!

And you know what… it would be worth it!

When it’s your LIFE we’re talking about – or the life of someone who’s counting on you to save them – you know you can’t depend on cheap sporting goods store machetes and frankly, I’ve even kicked my military machete to the curb in order to make sure I was carrying nothing but the best to protect me and my family during a crisis.

But I’m NOT gonna make you pay $1,000 or even $500 for our custom-engineered machete.

The Guardian has been valued by pros at $485 so it’s a steal at our regular price of $395.

I DID Tell You I Had A Special Deal For You, Right?

Limited Time "Mach-itty" Deal Available Until:

Countdown Expired!

(Or While Supplies Last)

It's Ugly As Hell - But So Damn Tough It Can Carve A Volkswagen In HALF!

Ooops! Our Blade Masters Screwed Up!

Our brainiac crew decided to try some new "weatherproofing finish" on an entire batch of Guardian machetes. The result was a shiny blade loaded with blemishes like you see in the picture. But here's the thing... while they may not look as "pretty" as other machetes, they'll still whup the ass of any other blade on the market! GUARANTEED!

Why Are Preppers Calling The Guardian Machete "The Toughest Blade In The World"?

Well, Just Watch What It Can Do...

Order Now And Get This $69.95 Bonus... FREE!

You’re gonna need something to carry your new Guardian Machete in as well, right? Well, when you order right now, I’ll also throw in the Guardian’s “covert blue” tactical deployment sheath – a $69.95 value, FREE – custom-designed with multiple quick-access carry options: Choose from left- or right-side belt carry…
…or attach it to your bug-out bag using the built in MOLLE-compatible straps to always have it within reach for any obstacle, task or threat that stands in your way.
Or use the sheath’s fully adjustable padded shoulder strap attachment for sling carry across your back, even using the now popular “underhand carry” for easier access and fast covert deployment.
And with 15 rows of MOLLE attachment straps on the front, you can even attach additional tactical pouches to your sheath for what we refer to as Phase 5 Mission-Oriented Carry so you can easily bring additional gear and supplies with you on a hike or field work.

I'll Even Give You A FULL YEAR To Prove
To Yourself There's No Better Machete
On The Planet For You To Bet Your Life On!

I really want you to put the Guardian through hell for a full year!

If you don’t actually feel its power the first time you hold it…

…if you don’t agree that it’s the most badass survival tool you’ve ever owned… if you don’t see your buddies smile from ear to ear when you’re showing it off to them…

if it doesn’t do everything I promise it will do and then some….

I insist you send it back to me – in any condition – for a full refund of your purchase price.

Just don’t wait on this…

We only have a small amount of these “scratch & dent” machetes in stock and when they're gone, they're gone.

Go ahead and click the button on this page now to tell me where to send your Guardian Machete today!

Limited Time "Tactical Pack" Promo Until:

Countdown Expired!

(Or While Supplies Last)

Here's What You'll Receive With This Exclusive 75% Off Guardian "Mach-itty" Special Deal...

Guardian Machete

The Guardian "Gen 2" Urban Survival Machete

There's simply no better machete on the planet! If you're the type of person who cares more about performance than "looks" - and you can live with a blemished blade upon arrival - then you'll enjoy a sweet 75% off the Guardian's retail price! (Value: $485)

MOLLE-Compatible Custom Tactical Sheath

Mission-based options for covert carry! Attach the Guardian's custom tactical sheath to any MOLLE-based backpack or wear it by itself in 3 different positions on either left- or right-side carry using its built-in belt loop or shoulder strap! (Value: $69.95)