Tactical Firearms Training's "Mad Scientist" Reveals...

Crazy New "Brain-Based" Gun-Training Hack Grants You A Lightning-Fast "First Shot - First Hit" In A Real Attack!

Your Seat Only Available Until Clock Hits 00:00:00 Or Until Registration Is Full


Thursday, August 15th

8 PM EST (NY Time)

30 Minutes

About Your Host For The Workshop:

Mike Ox

Mike "Ox" Ochsner

Mike "Ox" (often referred to as "the mad scientist of tactical firearms training") highly sought out by military, law enforcement, and responsibly-armed Americans for his innovative, cutting-edge firearms training advancements built on accelerated "brain-based" skill-mastery techniques.


This short training session will deal with the harsh realities of surviving worst-case scenarios as a result of violent protests, mobs, riots, and looting. Some of this material will not be suitable for children to hear - nor for adults who aren't willing to do whatever it takes to protect themselves and those they love during a true crisis.

What Others Are Saying About The Training...


“Ox's shooting systems better prepare military and LE personnel to ‘go outside the wire' and then come home in one piece, both physically and mentally.”

~ “Horse”, Australian Special Air Service (SAS)


“At my shooting club we have 30 plates set up, all in a long row. One of my friends challenged me to clear all 30 while walking down the line at 10 yards – moving and shooting sideways. I cleared all 30…no misses! I would have thought that to be impossible for me not that long ago.”



This is fantastic! I've worked with several of the top trainers in the country, but I just couldn't get faster without my accuracy dropping off. I feel like a kid in a candy store…this is exactly what I needed!”

~ Don

Thursday, August 15th

8 PM EST (NY Time)

30 Minutes

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